Aries: 4 of Swords; Knight of Wands Reversed
It’s now or never to speak up. This conversation is going to go better than you think. Why prolong the anticipation and answers?
Taurus: 6 of Wands Reversed; Knight of Wands Reversed
Now is the time for you to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start new and fresh in a totally different direction.
Gemini: Hanged Man Reversed; Queen of Wands
With this much drive and motivation you are bound to get things done this month. A reward is definitely at the finish line.
Cancer: Magician; Ace of Cups Reversed
With this much magic in the air, make sure to take full advantage. This new beginning in matters of the heart are way overdue whether it be jobs, relationships, or self-fulfillment.
Leo: 3 of Wands; 7 of Swords Reversed
This is a month of forward movement after deep thoughts. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth this month as some conversations are way overdue.
Virgo: Knight of Cups; Temperance Reversed
Your emotions might be all over the place regarding relationships. Make sure you are both on the same page before proceeding. If you don’t see balance, it might be time to move on.
Libra: 2 of Cups; King of Swords
It’s a great month for relationships of all kinds. Any documents or proposals that might come up either in business or romance definitely go for it!
Scorpio: 3 of Swords; The Sun
After a bit of a “bump in the road” you are now looking forward to freedom, new beginnings and much abundance coming in this month. You deserve this! Enjoy!
Sagittarius: 2 of Pentacles Reversed; 6 of Cups Reversed
Don’t let past memories or disappointments play a role in your life this month, especially in the “feelings” department. By the end of the month, things will balance out and you will be able to proceed.
Capricorn: 7 of Swords Reversed; Page of Pentacles
Don’t look the other way this month as there could be an opportunity that has growth potential. Don’t bite your nose to spite your face!
Aquarius: 4 of Pentacles Reversed; 9 of Wands
Why are you holding on to things that no longer serve you? You can move on but you must take the first step to free yourself. Once you do, you will be free to live again.
Pisces: Hanged Man Reversed; 2 of Swords
This is a month to look at the “pro’s and con’s” and make a decision. If you continue to just “sit”, the opportunity will not manifest and you will look back with regrets.