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July 2022 Tarotscopes

Writer's picture: CarolCarol

Aries: Magician Reversed; Death

It’s a transformational month. This is your month to make your moves in all aspects of your life. This is the month you have been waiting and planning for. Go for it!

Taurus: Knight of Wands; 2 of Swords

It’s time to think long and hard before you make such a big decision. You don’t want to get “egg on your face”. Timing is everything this month. Be patient.

Gemini: 3 of Wands Reversed; Star Reversed

Weigh out your options regarding an emotional decision. There is no need to move forward on such shaky grounds. Wait until your heart is certain.

Cancer: Tower Reversed; 6 of Wands

Now that the path has been cleared for you, it is time to take your “victory” lap. This reward is well deserved.

Leo: Knight of Swords; King of Cups

In relationships, make sure you are on the same page before you proceed. It’s all about compromising this month. Keep an open mind when listening to others.

Virgo: The Lovers; Empress

It’s a great month for relationships of all kinds. People find you not only attractive, but personable as well. Make the most of it. You’re shining bright

Libra: 4 of Pentacles; Judgment

It’s time for you to let go of something that no longer serves you. Once you do, a new direction is just ahead that will bring you more stability and pleasure.

Scorpio: Ace of Pentacles; The Hierophant

It’s a great money month for you. You’ve got lots of options not only with money but love as well. It’s your choice. Choose wisely for the best results.

Sagittarius: The World Reversed; 4 of Swords

This is a month for you to take a “time out” to ponder what your next step is. Don’t heat up on yourself. The answers will come when you silence your mind.

Capricorn: Queen of Pentacles; Page of Swords

Don’t ponder this situation too long as this opportunity might disappear. This opportunity is a sure thing. Go for it!

Aquarius: Hermit Reversed; 10 of Cups Reversed

It’s an emotional month where you might feel “alone”. Make sure you nurture yourself with self care and love. Don’t be afraid to reach out to others to stay connected.

Pisces: Knight of Pentacles: 6 of Swords

If “something” does not sit well or feel right with you, walk away and fast! Take care of yourself and let others this month fend for themselves.


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