Aries: 8 of Wands; 9 of Swords Reversed
Now that things are moving forward there is no time for putting up roadblocks. Lots of love and communication abound!
Taurus: 5 of Swords; King of Wands
Patience is a virtue this month! If involved in a volatile situation, give it time and aire to work itself out. Stay firm on your convictions.
Gemini: Ace of Swords; 2 of Pentacles
An offer is being presented to you that has long term possibilities. Do not procrastinate if you want to pursue this. Timing is everything this month!
Cancer: 3 of Wands; Emperor
You are as solid as they come this month with your determination to get things done. The universe will reward you for all your efforts.
Leo: 2 of Pentacles; 5 of Pentacles
Watch your finances this month as you might have a tendency to overspend or help someone out financially that could be playing the “victim” act.
Virgo: 4 of Pentacles Reversed; 8 of Cups Reversed
What you have been holding onto for dear life that no longer serves you, you must let go of. Example: person, behavior, issue, etc. You will feel better once this has been let go so you can heal.
Libra: 6 of Pentacles; Page of Wands
It’s time to put your needs first. It’s a great month to take that first step in anything new! There is growth and great potential in the coming months and it starts now!
Scorpio: King of Cups Reversed; Judgment Reversed
A lot of secrets are around you this month. Read between the lines when making major decisions. It is a good time to dive deeper into conversations and situations that seem “fuzzy”.
Sagittarius: The Magician Reversed; 8 of Pentacles
The universe keeps giving you all these signs and signals to start your new journey or chapter. You have been working hard to get these rewards. Take that leap of faith. Time is a wasting!
Capricorn: King of Pentacles; Ace of Pentacles
It’s a great money month for you. Any financial offer is definitely worth taking. It will multiply in a very short time. It’s a great month also for career and jobs.
Aquarius: The World; Ace of Pentacles
Things finally start balancing out for you. It’s time to present financial issues to others which will be both advantageous to all parties involved. For some of you it may be possible you will be purchasing a new home or moving.
Pisces: The Fool Reversed; Justice
Keep your cards close to your chest this month in all matters as someone cannot be trusted at face value. By the end of the month, you will see their “true” intentions.
